Love, Bread and Stories - 24-hours event is a multidisciplinary programme with performances, theatre troupe, music, interactive events which last for 24 hours. The programme is a part of the project ExploreZ on Tour, which is organized by ZID theatre in cooperation with POD theatre within the European project Caravan Next - Art Feeds the Future.

The programme is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade, by the Embassy of Greece in Belgrade, European Cultural Foundation ECF and the Fonds Podium Kunsten NL.

The 24-hours event begins on Saturday at 12:00, with an interactive opening, performance lecture The actors eye and a fast changing world by Sebo Bakker, and the programme culminating in the new ZID theatre performance Love Now, which will take place at 17:00. This performance is a microcosmos within itself, played by professional actors and citizens aged 12-70. Twenty of them, originated from five continents and now all living in Amsterdam, are searching for the universal power of love. Through music, texts and dance, they express their opinions and conclude that love is the answer to the questions posed by the complex present moment. The event then continues in theatre tour and multidisciplinary programme with the artists from the Netherlands and from Serbia (Performance Bread & Songs, theatrical concert with 100 participants) and night programme until the following morning, breakfast and debates, until 12:00 and the closing of this year’s Polyphony, which, on that day, officially comes of age.