MARGARETA SÖRENSON is a Swedish senior theatre and dance critic, writer, researcher and university lecturer, holding a MA in dance studies. As a critic she works for Swedish daily national Expressen, as a writer she has written several books on performing arts, children’s culture and dance. She also contributed to numerous national and international anthologies on scenic arts, as the compulsory Swedish NySvenskTeaterhistoria (New Swedish Theatre History) 2006, and the World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts/Encyclopédie International des Arts de la Marionette (UNIMA). In Sweden she lectures dance history and choreography in LTU’s (Luleå Technical University) program for dance pedagogues. Her orientation towards contemporary dance and classical Asian traditions for dance, theatre and puppetry, often led her to cross-over forms for the stage, such as dance-theatre and ”Gesamtkunstwerk” in the late 20th and early 21st century. Her book, Mats Ek, (2011, photos by Lesley Leslie-Spinks, in English-Swedish edition) focuses on the fluid limits between dance and theatre. Since long, Margareta Sörenson is a member of the board of the International Association of Theatre Critics, directing the seminars for young critics for seven years, since 2014 the president of the association. She is a member of the jury for the “European Premio per il Teatro” and a member of the research commission of UNIMA.